01672 512288


What’s On

We have a part time activities coordinator who helps implement a structured activities schedule 7 days a week. Our activities can be seen in the afternoons between 2 and 3.30 along with our afternoon teas and cakes.

If preferred, day trips and holidays are encouraged so our residents have the opportunity to go out and access the community to local garden centres, local pubs, zoos, theatres and even enjoy holidays away which have been organised at special request.

In addition to our in house activities, for those who are able, we can organise and plan day trips and outings during the warmer months. Previously having taken our residents to Bristol Zoo, Longleat Safari Park, Cotswolds Wildlife Park, Butlins Holiday Resorts. Our residents also visit more local amenities such as Cobbs Farm, local pubs, Marlborough town

Get in Touch


83/84 London Road

Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 2AN, UK


01672 512288



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